Wilsons Creek where Ken Aitken Grew Up in the 1950’s and 1960’s ….. Upper Wilsons Creek


Upper Wilsons Creek: Large rounded basalt bush boulders, creek in clear, crystalline waters, water as a meandering maze of water amongst the boulders, occasional large pools in a bend in the creek, creek  bordered by pockets  of Bangalow palms (Australian Rainforest Palm)  on flat ground, creek  generally bordered  by  dense closed  rainforest on the slopes, rainforest of a dense dark green  leaf canopy with an understorey of tree ferns, wild ginger with large green leaves, cordylines with the large green strap – like leaves and single spindly trunk, tree ferns with their tall fibrous trunks and their cavorting fern fronds that reach out over over smaller plants.

When an open ridge  appears, you have a glimpse through the trees to the valley below. There is partly cleared  rainforest to give open paddocks fenced in for cows. See the photos below. Distant sharp ridges rise sharply out of the surrounding valley.

