Kings Park and Botanic Garden
Kings Park is one of the world’s largest and most beautiful inner city parks. It is rich in Aboriginal and European history, contemporary culture and offers innovative design, displays and services. Kings Park has an international reputation for scientific research, leading horticulture, conservation and public education.
Kings Park is home to the spectacular Western Australian Botanic Garden, which displays over 3,000 species of the State’s unique flora. Two thirds of the 400 hectare park is protected as bushland and provides a haven for native biological diversity.
Visitors can enjoy sweeping views of the Swan and Canning Rivers, the city skyline and the Darling Ranges to the east. Bushland walk trails, immaculate gardens and parklands and a variety of children’s discovery play areas can all be found in Kings Park. The Visitor Information Centre, free daily guided walks, Aspects of Kings Park gallery shop, cafes and public transport are easily accessible.
I was told by one of the workers working in the Park that there are twenty workers who look after the park.

This a grand entrance into Kings Park …….. Straight white trunked gums line the road.

Grevillea bushes ……. the tall shrub with red flowers beside the sign.

In the planted beds are numerous small wildflowers which merge with other wildflowers. There is commonality about them. It is the fine leaved quality of the leaf petals, the fine leaved quality is a water saving quality of many Australian plants.

Wildflowers with small rounded flower heads.

Sweeping views of the Swan River, the city skyline and the Darling Ranges to the east. See the photo below of the city skyline.

Moss on a tree with a deeply ribbed trunk.

Kings Park gallery shop, cafes and public transport are easily accessible.

The Visitor Information Centre.

The photos below are not named but are more beautiful Western Australian wildflowers.

A big piece of metal arching sculpture.

More photos below are not named but are more beautiful Western Australian wildflowers.

Wildflowers from the South West region of Western Australia.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Eucalyptus Macrocarpa ……. One of the largest flowered gums. The gum is commonly known as mottlecah,[2] is a species of mallee that is endemic to the south-west of Western Australia. It has smooth bark, usually sessile, heart-shaped adult leaves arranged in opposite pairs, large red flowers and broad conical fruit. See photo below on a detail of the leaves.

A detail on a lovely stone wall.

This Boab tree was transported from the Northern Territory. See its journey it took in the photo below.

How did the iconic boab tree get to Australia? See the website in the question.

Another sweeping view of the Swan River and the city skyline.

A sign on the meeting of two rivers, the Swan River and the Canning river that forms a vast expanse of water in front of you here. The aboriginal significance is given.

A Coolibah tree (Eucalyptus victrix).
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bark of Eucalyptus victrix.
Eucalyptus victrix, commonly known as the smooth-barked coolibah, western coolibah[2] or little ghost gum,[3] is a species of small tree that is endemic to Australia. It has smooth bark, lance-shaped to curved adult leaves, flower buds in groups of seven, creamy white flowers and conical fruit.

Banksia species ….. See the partly formed cones …… a sure sign that it is a banksia.

Kangaroo Paws
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

aspect of a Anigozanthos manglesii showing the characteristic of the plant from which its name is derived

Kangaroo paw is the common name for a number of species, in two genera of the family Haemodoraceae, that are native to the south-west of Western Australia. These rhizomatous[1] perennial plants are noted for their unique bird-attracting flowers. The tubular flowers are coated with dense hairs and open at the apex with six claw-like structures which resemble kangaroo forelimbs, and it is from this paw-like formation that the common name “kangaroo paw” is derived.[2]
The kangaroo paw plant has been introduced into Japan and has been grown as a new ornamental crop mainly in Okinawa Island under a subtropical climate.[3]

More Kangaroo Paws in the photos above and below.

Lovely hanging gum nuts on a eucalypt tree.

A grevillea bush and flower detail outside the Cafe. See the photo below.

Red Grevillea Flowers

Tree fern with a trunk underplanted with smaller Blechnum ferns along the path near a shady area near the Cafe.

Blechnum ferns give a lovely feeling of coolness, rest and peace around the cafe.

The pink and orange of these pea-like flowers gives a feeling of warmth and delight. See the closeup photo below.

There is great delight in looking at this massed flowering of pink and white wildflower.

Geraldton wax (Chamelaucium uncinatum) is a beautiful flowering Australian native shrub that brings colour to gardens from late winter to spring.
As the common name suggests, Geraldton wax comes from Western Australia. Its mainly pink or white flowers have small, stiff petals, which give them the description of ‘wax’ flowers.
The flowers ooze nectar and are highly attractive to bees and pollinating insects, particularly on a warm late winter or spring day. They also have a sweet, honey fragrance.
As well as the naturally occurring pink or white flowers, selection has produced plants with purple or even red flowers. There are also dwarf forms, which suit containers. The small, potted Geraldton wax plants are popular as decorator plants in parts of Asia including Japan.
The green leaves are narrow and almost needle like. The plants suit coastal conditions.