2018: The Wood Shed, Ulumarra, NSW in August

Harriet and I travelled down from Brisbane in August 2018 to see my mother Norma Aitken at Alton Lodge  (A nursing home for aging people) over a three day period. We were travelling up from Coorangbong  to Brisbane and we stopped off at Ulumarra where there is very large OP shop. Harriet is a very good OP  shopper. She can quickly look through OP shops, assess what they have and pick out just the right at a very good price.

Alongside OP shop is a very good Wood Shop. The few photos below  is sample of what they can supply.

There are two areas for display:

  • Timber Sales and Display
  • Timber Products Display Gallery Area:

Timber slabs  shown above and below  with  a very good grain and a round  cut section of a tree for a small circular table  beside a chair.


The Timber Products Display Gallery Area: This area had constructed tables made from the timber slabs in the outside Display area.

…. There were several wonderful pieces of timber sculpturing in the gallery ….

 ….. A small coffee table constructed from a big slab with beautiful wood grains going down the length of the table top …..

…. Another small coffee table constructed from a big slab with beautiful wood grains going down the length of the table top …..

 ….. A piece of free standing  timber sculpture made from a hollow log supported on three legs ….

A standard table constructed using two big slabs with a lovely timber grain.

…. Another  wonderful piece of timber sculpturing in the gallery ….
