POST 5a: OUR HOLIDAY IN JAPAN …. Oshino Hakkai = Day 5 of 16: 8th April, 2017

Oshino Hakkai Springs

Oshino Hakkai Springs are the typical springs that flowed from Mt. Fuji after “Lake Oshino” had dried up. Eight springs are made by meltwater piled up on Mt. Fuji, filtered through lava for over ten years. Oshino Hakkai is also the place of pilgrimage, where the pilgrims purified their impurities in the spring. Beauty of water and scenery where the four seasons of Mt. Fuji can be seen are popular among tourists. Oshino Hakkai was designated as a Natural Treasure in 1934. It also was ranked among the 100 best waters of Japan in 1985 and designated as a World Heritage site together with Mt.Fuji in 2013.


From this website: Oshinohakkai (Springs of Mount Fuji) / Yamanashi Prefecture …

Oshino-hakkai is the area with eight springs at the northeastern foot of Mount Fuji.

It is located about 7.5 km southeast of Lake Kawaguchi and about 4 km northwest of Lake Yamanaka.
And it is located about 14 km northeast of the top of Mount Fuji.

There are seven ponds within about 200 meters, and only one pond is about 500 meters away from the others.

Originally here was a part of a large lake. By the eruption of Mount Fuji in the early 9th century, the lake was divided into this area and Lake Yamanaka. After that, the lake in this area had dried up, then only eight springing places have been left.

The melted snow water on Mount Fuji seeps underground, and the filtered water springs here about 80 years later.
So the water is very clear, and the temperature is 12-14 degrees C.

Here is designated as a national natural treasure.

Around grouped seven ponds, there are many shop and ryokans. So many tourists visit here as one of the popular spots around Mount Fuji.

A few artificial ponds have been built near the shops, then ironically it is the most crowded place in this area.
In a result, the water quality is degrading, and the destruction of nature continues.

But the typical Japanese scenery with springs and Mount Fuji attract many tourists.




Shops in Oshino Hakkai Springs …. very  Japanesey ….









The Sign above says:

World Heritage Fujisan

Fujisan, sacred place and a source of artistic inspiration has been inscribed upon  the World Heritage  list of the Convention  concerning the Protection of World Culture and Natural Heritage.

Date of inscription

June 26, 2013

People have feared and revered Fujisan, which has erupted repeatedly as the mountain in which the gods resided. Fujisan and its beautiful form also has been featured in in many artistic works such as poems  and paintings.

Because of its cultural value as an object of worship and as a source  of artistic inspiration, Fujisan was also inscribed upon  the World Heritage  list of the Convention June 26, 2013 as a common treasure which deserves protection  for the benefit of all humanity.


