Day 11b. An Alpine Adventure: Cable Car at Klosters

The cable car in motion going up to the mountain top cable car base, the cafe and restaurant area.

Photo 1: Looking down in the valley where we have come from.

The mountain top cable car base.

Inside the mountain cable base. The cafe and restaurant are next door. See the photos below of our group having a coffee.

Photo 2: Looking down in the valley where we have come from.

Photo 3: Looking down in the valley where we have come from.

Walking towards a mountain range of spectacular cliffs and ridges.

The sheer bulk of mountain is spectacular. It makes our man made structures look very puny. Rain over the centuries has formed scree slopes of loose rock fragments on slopes of the ridges. This was by washing out the smaller particles and leaving the bigger fragments behind.

The sheer bulk of the mountains is spectacular.

A hang glider getting ready to glide over the mountains.

The wind has caught him.

He is off and away.

Going for short walk along the mountain road.

A distant view of the cafe.

Our cable car group having a joint coffee in this mountainous region above Klosters.

Mountains with snow still on the mountains. It is late summer in the northern hemisphere in September. For Ken and Harriet Aitken, this was an unusual sight. We come from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia and we have a subtropical climate. Australia’s winter, from June to August, offers snow skiing in the Australian Alps.

Coming back down to the Klosters Cable Car base.

The End Of The Cable Car Ride at Kloster … Awesome !!


It is late summer in the northern hemisphere in September. For Ken and Harriet Aitken, this was an unusual sight. We come from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia and we have a subtropical climate. Australia’s winter, from June to August, offers snow skiing in the Australian Alps.
